
Online Enrolment Form

1. Personal Details

2. Credit Transfer

3. Course and Employment Details

4. SafeWork Declaration

  • My residential address is in NSW
  • Have had a HRW Licence suspended or cancelled anywhere in Australia with in the last five years
  • Have previously been convicted or entered into an enforceable undertaking under the WHS law in Australia?
  • Are you hearing impalred and do you require a registered Auslan interpreter for a HRWL Assessment
  • Do you hold a HRW Assessor accreditation?
Participant Declaration & Privacy Statement
  • I have read the Participant/Client Information Handbook available online; I understand the roles and responsibilities as the participant, including the pathways and options available to me for training and assessment.
  • I hereby agree to abide by the RTO policies and procedures relating to fees, charges and regulations of the organisation.
  • I declare that the information supplied on this form is correct and complete.
  • I agree that personal information and records (this may include written, verbal, photographic and other formats) collected by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) may be:
    • Used by the RTO for research, statistical analysis, program evaluation and internal management purposes.
    • Used by government departments for audit, research, statistical analysis, program evaluation.
    • Used for promotional and commercial purposes.
  • I understand that my personal information will only be disclosed to other third parties with the appropriate legal documents or agreement/ permission in writing by myself.

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